
why we're Moody and lovin' it...

So This is Hello

Can you believe it? I decided to try a blog. Facebook, aka Crackbook, just wasn't cuttin' it for me. I always had too much to say for that little space. I know, I know, you're thinking, "What?? Amy?? Have too much to say??"

So, pumped up on Smartfood popcorn, diet soda and the wishes of several girlfriends, I'm taking the plunge. I hope you enjoy the not-very exciting ramblings of this Moody mom as I try desperately to keep up with the laundry, homeschool the two Moody children and live a life that's pleasing to my Lord.

I plan (note I said plan, nothing more concrete than that) to post pics, recipes and show my somewhat humorous knitting projects. We try not to speak about the first dishrag that looks slightly like a shame runs deep.

So jump on the bandwagon and check out our Moody life. I promise you, it's many things...but it's never boring. Case in point: this evening my Moody husband received a pink and green John Deere toolbelt. Custom made. 'Nuff said.